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2 types of the best humic acids on the market

2 types of the best humic acids on the market

Humic acid

This fertilizer is a complex organic molecule found in soil, water, and peat. It’s a key component of humus, the stable, decomposed organic matter that provides soil with its richness and fertility. Here’s a closer look at humic acid fertilizer.


To see more fertilizers and buy humic acid fertilizer, you can enter the products page.






  • This fertilizer is formed over long periods through the decomposition of plant and animal residues by microbes.
  • It’s a result of the complex chemical reactions involving lignin, cellulose, and other organic compounds.
  • This process involves oxidation, hydrolysis, and polymerization, creating a highly complex, heterogeneous structure.



  • Dark brown to black color: This gives soil its characteristic dark color.
  • High molecular weight: Humic acid fertilizer molecules are large and complex, with varying structures depending on their origin.
  • Colloidal nature: They exist as suspensions of tiny particles in water.
  • Anionic character: They carry a negative charge, allowing them to bind to positively charged minerals and nutrients in soil.



Benefits for Soil and Plants

  • Improved soil structure: Humic acid fertilizer helps bind soil particles together, improving aeration and water retention.
  • Enhanced nutrient availability: It chelates minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron, making them readily available to plants.
  • Stimulated microbial activity: It provides food and energy for beneficial microbes in soil, promoting healthy decomposition and nutrient cycling.
  • Increased water retention: It helps improve soil’s ability to hold water, reducing the need for frequent irrigation.
  • Stress tolerance:This fertilizer can protect plants from environmental stresses like drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures.



humic acid fertilizer



  • Agriculture: This fertilizer is often added to soil as a soil amendment to improve fertility and crop growth.




  • Horticulture: It is used in fertilizers, potting mixes, and hydroponic solutions.
  • Environmental remediation: This fertilizer can help bind heavy metals and other pollutants in contaminated soils.
  • Animal feed: It can enhance nutrient absorption and improve animal health.




Humic Acid Fertilizer Containing Silica

A Powerful Duo for Soil Health. Humic acid fertilizer, as we’ve discussed, is a complex organic molecule with numerous benefits for soil and plant health. Silica, on the other hand, is a mineral element that plays a vital role in plant growth and stress resistance. When these two components are combined, they create a powerful synergy that amplifies their individual benefits.



Humic Acid Containing Silica


Silica’s Benefits

  • Increased plant strength: Silica strengthens cell walls, making plants more resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses.
  • Improved water use efficiency: It helps reduce water loss through transpiration, increasing drought tolerance.
  • Enhanced nutrient uptake: Silica promotes root development and helps plants absorb nutrients more efficiently.
  • Boosted photosynthesis: It increases chlorophyll production, leading to improved photosynthesis and higher yields.


Common types Silica


1. Humic Acid Fertilizer + Silica as Separate Components

  • This fertilizer Granules or Powder: This is the most common form of humic acid, often sold as granules or powder to be mixed with soil or water.
  • Silica Supplements: These come in various forms, including silica-rich rock dust, soluble silica solutions, and silica nanoparticles.




  • Flexibility: Allows for independent control of application rates for each component.
  • Wider Availability: Both humic acid fertilizer and silica are readily available in various forms.




  • Separate Application: Requires additional steps and effort to mix and apply both components.
  • Potential for Incompatibility: Depending on the specific product, combining different forms might not be ideal.


2. Pre-mixed Humic Acid Fertilizer+ Silica Products

  • Humic Acid fertilizer+ Silica Liquid Solutions: These pre-mixed solutions combine this fertilizer and silica in a liquid form, ready for application.
  • Humic Acid fertilizer + Silica Granules: These are granules containing a blend of this fertilizer and silica, designed for easy application.




  • Convenience: Ready-to-use products simplify application.
  • Guaranteed Compatibility: The combination is formulated to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.




  • Limited Flexibility: Pre-mixed products offer less control over individual application rates.
  • Potentially Higher Cost: Pre-mixed products might be more expensive than buying separate components.


3. Humic Acid fertilizer Derived from Silica-Rich Sources

  • Leonardite Humate: Leonardite is a type of lignite coal rich in humic acid and silica. Extracts from leonardite naturally contain both components.
  • Silica-Rich Peat Humate: Some peat sources are naturally high in silica, leading to humic acid fertilizer extracts with significant silica content.




  • Natural Source: These products are derived from natural sources, potentially offering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option.
  • Balanced Ratio: The natural balance between this product and silica ensures optimal compatibility and effectiveness.




  • Limited Availability: Sourcing these products might be more challenging compared to commercially available humic acid fertilizer and silica.
  • Variability: The content of humic  and silica can vary depending on the source and extraction process.


Choosing the Right Type

The best type of humic  containing silica depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors like:


  • Ease of Application: Do you prefer ready-to-use products or do you have the flexibility to mix components?
  • Cost: What is your budget for soil amendments?
  • Specific Needs: Are you looking for a specific ratio of humic acid fertilizer and silica?
  • Sustainability: Do you prefer products derived from natural sources?


 Sulfuric humic Fertilizer

Humic Acid fertilizer Extraction:

  • This fertilizer product is naturally present in soil, peat, and other organic materials.
  • To extract it, various methods are used, one of which is sulfuric acid extraction.
  • This process involves treating the source material with sulfuric acid, which helps break down the organic matter and release humic .
  • The resulting solution is then filtered and purified to isolate the humic .



Types of Humic  Products

  • The term “sulfuric humic acid fertilizer” doesn’t classify a particular type of humic.
  • Humic acid fertilizer products are categorized based on their source material (e.g., leonardite humate, peat humate) and their extraction method.
  • Sulfuric acid extraction is just one of many methods used. Other common methods include alkaline extraction and enzymatic extraction.


Considerations for Humic Products

  • Purity: The purity of this products can vary depending on the extraction method and subsequent purification steps.
  • Quality: Some humic acid fertilizer products might contain impurities or undesirable byproducts resulting from the extraction process.
  • Sustainability: The environmental impact of different extraction methods should be considered, as some methods are more sustainable than others.




This fertilizer is a valuable component of soil, playing a crucial role in its fertility and overall health. By  improving soil structure, enhancing nutrient availability, and promoting microbial activity, humic acid fertilizer promotes vigorous plant growth and sustainable agriculture. Its unique properties also make it a promising tool for environmental remediation and animal nutrition.



The combination of this fertilizer and silica in soil amendments represents a promising strategy for enhancing soil health, improving plant performance, and promoting sustainable agriculture. This powerful duo works together to improve nutrient availability, strengthen plant structure, increase stress tolerance, and ultimately lead to healthier and more productive crops.


“Sulfuric humic acid fertilizer” doesn’t represent a distinct type of humic acid. It simply indicates that the humic acid was extracted using sulfuric acid. When choosing this fertilizer products, it’s essential to consider the source material, extraction method, purity, and quality to ensure you are getting a high-quality product for your intended use.




To see more fertilizers and buy humic acid fertilizer, you can enter the products page.



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Contacts Info

  • Iran, Ahvaz, Kian Abad, 28th East Street, No. 12
  • +989054564569
  • info@myco.net